Regular reviews

Annual chronic disease reviews

We provide support and care for patients who have been diagnosed as having a long term condition e.g. Diabetes, Asthma, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) etc. We operate an annual review of pts with a chronic disease in their birthday month and encourage pts to book appointments in that month rather than waiting to be invited in. This system aims to consolidate all necessary tests at the annual review reducing visits for patients with more than one condition.

The  Practice requests that you book for an annual review in the month of your birth. If you forget to book this appointment the practice will send you a reminder. Where possible we try to send out reminders by text message so please make sure that we have an up to date mobile number and that you have let us know that you consent to us sending you SMS messages. If you do not have a mobile you will receive a letter via the post.

For new patients – we may invite you in for an annual review before your month of you birth so that we can assess your condition when you join the surgery and ensure we are providing you with the correct medication if applicable.

Asthma clinic

We provide support and care for patients who have been diagnosed as having Asthma. The  Practice requests that you book for an annual review in the month of your birth. If you forget to book this appointment the practice will send you a reminder. Where possible we try to send out reminders by text message so please make sure that we have an up to date mobile number. If you do not have a mobile you will receive a letter via the post.

The Asthma appointments are available Monday to Friday 8.30- 17.40 if you are unable to attend an appointment please ask Reception about our Saturday Clinics.

At the moment Asthma reviews are being carried out over the telephone. If you feel that a face to face appointment would be more appropriate for you please can you advise the Receptionist on booking the appointment.

Important information relating to inhaler use 2021:

Combe Down Surgery are proudly adapting to become more environmentally friendly. As part of this we are reducing the carbon footprint of our prescribing including inhalers. We would like to work with you to see whether you can switch to a more eco-friendly device to manage your Asthma.

For further information on asthma please visit the Asthma UK website.


Inhaler recycling

Did you know you can recycle your old inhalers?

Complete the Cycle is a scheme organised by GlaxoSmithKline to recover and recycle old inhalers

Why recycle inhalers?

Inhalers contain powerful greenhouse gases.

Disposing of inhalers in landfill risks releasing any leftover gases into the environment

The plastic and aluminium casing is also wasted

By recycling inhalers, this waste and gas emissions can be prevented

Complete the Cycle was set up in the UK in 2011. By the end of 2017, over 1.2 million inhalers have been recycled and recovered. This has saved carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to taking 5,199 cars off UK roads

Which inhalers can be recycled?

Metered dose inhalers and dry powder inhalers can be recycled

Where can I recycle my old inhalers?

The Complete the Cycle scheme is available at these chemists:

    • Boots, Southgate Centre, 1 Newark Street, Bath BA1 1AT
    • Boots, 34-35 Westgate Street, Bath, BA1 1EL
    • Superdrug, 30-31 Westgate Street, Bath BA1 1EL
    • Boots, 100 Mount Road, Southdown, Bath, BA2 1LN
    • Boots, 84-85 High Street, Twerton, Bath BA2 1DE
Cancer care
Things to help you after your diagnosis
Things to expect along with your treatment

Treatment Summary (TS)
This is done by the hospital and is a detailed summary of your cancer, the type of treatment you have received, any side effects caused by your treatment. This lets you know how to contact your cancer team if you have any concerns.
A letter or treatment summary will be done after each treatment/intervention has been
completed, this includes after surgery, at the end of chemotherapy or radiotherapy and
other treatments. A member of the clinical team will talk you through the document and give you and your GP a copy

Cancer Care Review (CCR)
The cancer care review is carried out at your GP practice to provide
further support with your diagnosis. You can request a review at anytime
by using our online triage form and booking an appointment.
This is an opportunity for you to talk to a health professional on how your
diagnosis has affected you and your loved ones. To ask any questions
and raise any concerns and needs you and your loved ones may have.

Handy hints
• Calls from hospitals may show as private number or withheld.
• Check to see if you can take a family member or friend with you to the hospital to appointments or for planned phone calls.
• There may be a lot of information given at this time
• Have a pen and paper ready
• Have questions prepared

Here to help
Macmillan Cancer Support:
0808 808 00 00, Monday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm
Cancer Care Map:
Cancer Research UK:

Child health clinics, vaccinations and appointments

Bringing up children is a demanding challenge.

  • Everyday difficulties such as teething, sleeping and feeding
  • Parenting, sleep and behaviour management. Any special requirements your child may have e.g. eczema, starting school
  • Immunisation advice – please click here for more information about childhood vaccinations 

B&NES Health Visiting Service (St Martin’s Hospital)


If you are a patient with diabetes it is important to have up to date checks carried out to ensure that we can discuss the results and any changes that may be may require to your care. In the month of your birth please contact the surgery to book two appointments:

  1. To have a non-fasting blood test, weight, height and feet check. Please bring an early morning urine sample to this appointment and any home blood pressure readings you are able to provide as these are a more accurate reflection of your blood pressure than a single reading at the surgery. If you do not own a blood pressure monitor this will be done at the appointment.
  2. To discuss your results/care with a member of the Diabetes Team. If you take regular blood sugar levels please make sure you bring your readings to this appointment

Once a year you will get an invitation for retinal eye screening.

For further information please visit:

Long term conditions

Long Term Conditions Annual Health Reviews

We invite all patients who live with a long term medical condition to attend for a full annual review.
The aim is to provide a more holistic approach to managing these conditions rather than
reviewing them individually.  Long terms conditions include:

We plan for these reviews to happen during your birthday month. This makes it straightforward for the practice to arrange to invite you for the review, and hopefully makes it easier for you to remember when the review is due. This should also reduce the number of visits to the surgery for people with more than one long term condition.

What will happen?

Please book an appointment within your birthday month stating it is for your long term condition annual review. If you forget, the practice will remind you with a text message if they have an up to date number for you, or you will receive a letter.

NHS health check

You’ll be invited for a free NHS Health Check every 5 years if you’re between 40 and 74 years of age and do not already have a pre-existing condition. You will be invited by the surgery when you become eligible.

The healthcare assistant – will ask you some questions about your lifestyle and family history, measure your height and weight, and take your blood pressure and do a blood test. The blood test will be done either before the check with a blood sample from your arm, or at the check.

Your blood test results can show your chances of getting heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and diabetes.

If you’re over 65, you will also be told the signs and symptoms of dementia to look out for.

You will then receive personalised advice to improve your risk. This could include talking about:

For further information please click the link below: