Learning Disabilities

Many people have learning disabilities. If you, Or someone you know, needs support, there are services and people available to help you and we can help you find them.

You can find out what services are available below.

A learning disability effects the way a person learns new things throughout their life.

A learning disability is different for everyone. No two people are the same.

A person with a learning disability might have some difficulty:

  • understanding complicated information
  • learning some skills
  • looking after themselves or living alone

How we help patients at the surgery

For patients with a diagnosed learning disability, you will be invited by a Care Co-ordinator, around the month of your birthday, for your annual review. This will involve two appointments, one with a Nurse and one with a Doctor. 

Nurse Appointment

Your Nurse appointment will include:

  • Being offered a blood test
  • Blood pressure check
  • Height and weight measurements 
  • Medication monitoring
  • General health monitoring 

GP Appointment

Once you have had your nurse appointment you will be invited to have an appointment with one of our GP's. This will be to review your blood test results and have a general catch up with regards to your general physical, medical and emotional health.

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