Book an appointment

If you need to see your GP, then you can book an appointment using our online system. Our appointments are booked at 15-minute intervals.

How to book an appointment

Book an appointment to see or speak to your GP or Nurse Practitioner by using our online triage system. By using the link below you'll be able to state the type of appointment you feel you need. Please provide as much information as possible to help our GP triage your form.

Types of appointments

At Combe Down Surgery, we offer different appointments to help you get the care you need as soon as possible and you may be referred to a local pharmacy.

Routine appointments

We aim to give you a routine appointment to see or speak to a GP or other Healthcare Professional within 2 weeks of receiving your online request.

Urgent appointments

If your appointment is considered urgent, we'll arrange for a GP or other Healthcare Professional to see or speak to you on the same day.

You can also visit 111 Online or call NHS 111 for general medical advice.

Pharmacy Referral

Pharmacies can help you with seven common conditions without needing a GP appointment. We may refer you to a local pharmacy if you have any of the following:

  • Sinusitis (adults and children aged 12 years and over)
  • Sore Throat (adults and children aged 5 years and over)
  • Earache (children aged 1 year to 17 years)
  • Infected insect bite (adults and children aged 1 year and over)
  • Impetigo (adults and children aged 1 year and over)
  • Shingles (adults aged 18 years and over)
  • Urinary tract infection (women, aged 16 to 64 years)

What Health Care professional do I need to see? 

Here at the surgery we offer lots of different appointments. Below is a general summary of what each of our healthcare professionals do to make it easier to know who to book an appointment with.

General Practitioners- GP

General Practitioners treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. 

To book an appointment with one of our GPs, please complete one of our online triage forms.

Nurse Practitioners

Our Nurse Practitioners are advanced nurses. They preform physical exams, diagnose and treat diseases and other health conditions, and prescribe medication.

To book an appointment with one of our Nurse practitioners please complete one of our online triage forms.

Practice Nurse

Our Practice Nurses are responsible for a number of clinical areas such as health promotion, chronic disease management, health prevention as well as supporting our other health care professionals.

Some of the services they provide include:

  • Travel health advice and vaccinations
  • Childhood immunisations and advice
  • Family planning and women's health including cervical screening
  • Men's health screening
  • Sexual health services
  • Smoking cessation
  • Screening and helping patient manage long term conditions
  • Wound care

To book an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses please contact the surgery on 01225 832226.

Healthcare Assistant- HCA

Our HCA's provide services such as:

  • Blood tests
  • NHS health Checks
  • Blood pressure readings
  • ECG's
  • Vaccinations such as Flu, Covid, Shingles, Pneumonia 
  • Dressings

As well as this they support the other health care professional in the surgery and provide ongoing care to our patients.

To book an appointment with one of our HCA's please contact the surgery on 01225 832226.